Interbank Interest Rates

Official Journal of the Federation

31 Jan 2022

Equilibrium Interbank Interest Rates
The Bank of Mexico, based on articles 8o. and 10th. of the Internal Regulations of the Bank of Mexico and in accordance with the procedure established in Chapter IV of Title Three of its Circular 3/2012, informs that the Equilibrium Interbank Interest Rates in national currency (TIIE) for terms of 28 and 91 days obtained today, were 5.7340 and 5.8798 percent, respectively.
The aforementioned Interest Rates were calculated based on the quotes presented by the following multiple banking institutions: BBVA Bancomer S.A., Banco Santander S.A., Banco Inbursa S.A., Banco J.P. Morgan S.A., Banco Azteca S.A., ScotiaBank Inverlat S.A. and Banco Mercantil del Norte S.A.


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